Welcome to the official Chicago NAAFA website. The Chicago Chapter of NAAFA was formed in 1975 in conjunction with the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, Inc.

We members of size, like our parent organization, try to provide social outlets, address activism concerns, and inform on related issues.

Our PURPOSE is to promote dignity and respect for fat people, help fight discrimination and provide a mutually supportive environment where people of all sizes can come together locally in an environment of acceptance and friendship.

The purpose of Chicago NAAFA is to:

Work towards providing equal opportunity for large-size people wherever obstacles and/or discrimination exist.

Disseminate information about the sociological, psychological, legal, medical, & physiological aspects of being large-size. Advocate & sponsor responsible research about the various aspects of being large-size. Empower the large number of people regarded by the medical profession as "obese" to accept themselves, to live more fulfilling lives & to promote acceptance of large-size people within society. Serve as a forum where issues affecting large-size people can be discussed in an unbiased setting.

Chicago NAAFA Who we are:

A local chapter dedicated to size acceptance & better lives for both plus-sized & supersized people.

What we do:

Dedicated to healthy living without dieting, we celebrate ourselves as we are. We have social activities, meetings & get-togethers. Our goal is to provide a supportive local environment in which to grow, learn, teach, & have some fun.

Why you should join:

If you think our ideas about size acceptance are RIGHT, then joining is how we can support each other to work to further the cause of size acceptance. Nothing will change if WE don’t make it happen.

Contact Chicago NAAFA:

Chicago Chapter of NAAFA
P.O. Box 595
Tinley Park, IL 60477

Chicago NAAFA Hotline:

(708) 802-0860

For any further information / questions please email us at:



Updated on May 6, 2003